Pagina dell'episodio'

2x46 - Hamtaro

The Very Best Present

Poster della serie Hamtaro

This episode starts out with a bang. Mimi's family forgot to change their clocks for Daylight Savings Time and so Mimi's Father is running late for work. He's all in a panic and Mimi's Mom suggest that he settle down, or else he might choke on his granola. As he heads out, she suggests that he should be an actor, as he loves drama. The topic among the family turns to his birthday, which they figure he's probably forgotten is coming up, once again. Mimi's brothers think they have a great present and tell Mimi that she's running out of time to think of a present. The scene changes to Kana and Laura, who are talking about Mimi. Kana mentions that last year Mimi chipped in on a present with the help of her brothers, but this year she wants to come up with something all by herself. Laura and Kana reflect back on the very first presents they ever gave their Dads. Laura's was a paper crayon and Kana's was a fly for fishing. The fly didn't exactly work out, but she still managed to make someth

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11 Giugno 2003
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