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2x47 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 126

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

The work release is to go ahead, to the women's delight. The party of women who are to go initially includes Bea, Doreen and Judy but not, to her annoyance, Lizzie. Judy suspects Margo's money may be in the kitchen, but when Noeline goes there to hunt for it, she ends up getting thrown in the skip by Margo and her heavies. Vera and Jim find her, and think she was trying to escape. She loses her buyup. Noeline's horse wins and Margo has to pay her out a lot of cash. Vera is suspicious that Lizzie still has cigarettes, and Noeline suggests she and Doreen have been pinching from the store room. She has planted items in their cell, and they are found by the screws in a cell search. Bea is furious at Noeline and thumps her, before grassing her into Erica. Bea and Noeline are both sent to the pound, and Bea taken off the work release. Meg seeks Paul's advice about Gail Summers.

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1 Luglio 1980
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