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2x5 - Meteor Garden

MG II Episode 5

Poster della serie Meteor Garden

Ye Sha took a photo of Dao Ming Si and submitted it for the ""Missing Person"" ad in the newspaper. She told Ah Xing that it would help him discover his real identity in case someone identifies him on the newspaper. Ching Her, Xiao You's ex-boyfriend, saw the ad and immediately looked for Dao Ming Si and used him in order to get some money. When Shan Cai's parents saw the advertisement in the newspaper, they ignored it because they didn't know that Dao Ming Si was missing. Meanwhile, Mei Zuo and Xi Men visited Shan Cai's parents and informed them about the recent events. Upon hearing the news, they quickly thought of the ad they saw, but the paper was aready ruined by some food stain. Dao Ming Si and Ye Sha woke up being tied by Ching Her. Ye Sha deceived Ching Her that she has actually the same intention of getting money from Dao Ming Si. Ching Her immediately believed her and thought of working with her so he relesed her. They called in Dao Ming Si's house and asked ransom from his mom

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15 Novembre 2002
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