Bullwinkle's antlers are stuck between the wheels of a mysterious helicopter, that boucnes, and flies like crazy across the desert. Rocky grabbed Bullwinkle's feet at one moment when he comes to the ground, but Rocky is pulled up into the air again. Suddenly, the pilot pulls a wrong lever, and Rocky and Bullwinkle are hurled into the cockpit, where Rocky hears a familiar voice. Next thing you know, Rocky and Bullwinkle are reunited with their friend, Captain Peter Wrongway Peachfuzz. Capt. Peachfuzz then throws another wrong lever, and the propellers of the copter fly off. As the copter falls earth-ward, Bullwinkle and Capt. Peachfuzz parachute out, while Rocky soars out. Bullwinkle has no trouble as he drifts to earth, but Capt. Peachfuzz has his on upside down and his money falls out of his pockets, but not to worry because Rocky saves them. Once on the ground, Rocky and Bullwinkle are even more lost than ever, but Peachfuzz doesn't care because he has to follow Rocky and Bullwinkle