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2x5 - The Wine Show

Episode 5

Poster della serie The Wine Show

In the fifth show in the new series, James Purefoy and Matthew Goode are in the Camargue on the hunt for wines to match the cheese course in the epic French lunch. In an effort to understand the Camargue way of life, they become cowboys for the day, rounding up bulls before they are allowed to sit down and taste some wines. With their wines chosen they head back to the villa for the judgement of Jancis Robinson, the world's most influential wine critic. Joe Fattorini is in Bosnia to find out how one vineyard is trying to heal some very open wounds of war. And he joins Amelia Singer in St Tropez for an inspiring beach lunch with legendary winemaker Sacha Lichine before getting aboard the cruise ship Celebrity Reflection to host a VIP wine dinner. And back in London, Matthew Rhys is at Berry Brothers & Rudd in London's St James's looking at historic and modern gadgets.

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9 Febbraio 2018
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