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2x54 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 133

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Judy is brought back to Wentworth (and claims sarcastically to Jim that she's Doris Day) charged with escaping, assault on a policewoman, stealing police property (the uniform, which she is still wearing) and impersonating a police officer. Jim and Vera notice she is also carrying a large amount of money that the police have not noticed, so Jim logs it in as Judy's own property even though Judy admits she got it through extortion. Judy at first refuses to go into the solitary cell, but Jim manages to persuade her. As she sits in the cell her profile undergoes some unusual video effect . Next morning, Erica sees Judy and offers to help, but Judy tells her it's too late as she should have done something earlier to fix Jock Stewart. Bea makes herself known to Andrew Reynolds and Vince on her first day at the factory. Andrew offers Bea a private deal to put to the other women: they will be paid an extra 10 dollars a week each for making non-Government clothing on the side.

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23 Luglio 1980
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