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2x57 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 136

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Jim and Vera catch Kay trying to force Margo to taste her food. Margo vows she'll get back at Kay. Erica admits to Meg that she had been lying about her relationship with Andrew, but declares she knew nothing at all about the fraud. Jim reports the incident with Margo and warns Erica that the women will go to any lengths to pay Kay back for losing the factory work project. Doreen is off her food. Judy defends Kay, pointing out that she helped her escape by getting a dress from the factory. Vera wants to know how Kay can possibly owe Margo money when she's been in isolation the whole time. Judy overhears Vera pressuring Kay and tells Kay that for her own sake she should stay in solitary as long as she can. When Meg announces that the women have been given permission to have a barbecue, Bea seems keen for Kay to attend and tells Judy she should make it up to Kay on behalf of all the women. Vera takes Kay to see Agnes, but she's already gone home.

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5 Agosto 1980
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