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2x59 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 138

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Kevin thinks he is the father of Doreen's baby and is delighted with the news. Meanwhile Bea is advising Doreen to go to Erica if Agnes won't help her arrange the abortion. Erica asks Agnes why she's allowed Doreen a second visit from Kevin and tries to push her into coming up with some ideas to justify her salary. Kevin meets Doreen in the garden: though she hedges at first, she eventually admits that Kevin is not the father of her baby and tells Kevin and Meg that Vince raped her. Kevin insists that she must report it to the police. Kay places a bet with Margo using some money she'd hidden away for emergencies. Doreen tells Bea that Agnes had passed on information about her pregnancy, and Bea approves of Kevin's decision to go the police. Erica has to calm Kevin down, and later at dinner with Meg she admits that she feels personally responsible for Doreen's plight.

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12 Agosto 1980
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