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2x6 - Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!

Uzaki-chan Wants to Celebrate!

Poster della serie Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!

At the gym, Fujio shares his worries with Shinichi and two other regulars about his daughter having a boyfriend. Since Shinichi spends so much time training, Hana feels neglected by him and reiterates that he is the one who likes her in response to Yanagi's teasing. The next day, still under the delusion that Shinichi has feelings for her, Tsuki spends time at the café and leaves him alone with Hana for his cooking lesson, in the hopes their relationship develops. Later, she bumps into him on her way back home and erroneously believes he and Hana had sex. On November 29, Hana spends time with Shinichi for his 21st birthday and he privately acknowledges she is special to him. Meanwhile, she realizes he will graduate from college in a little over a year, and requests he do something outrageous.

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5 Novembre 2022
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