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2x6 - Spice and Wolf

Wolf and Trustworthy God

Poster della serie Spice and Wolf

Lawrence participates in the pyrite market, selling small quantities several times to combat the rapidly rising prices, but to no avail. Lawrence's original plan falls through when Dianna's messenger informs him that the negotiations did not go as planned. In despair, Lawrence all but gives up before he is spurred on by Mark's apprentice, Lant. When Lawrence goes to sell his remaining pyrite, Holo also sells a large bag purchased from Dianna, revealing that she was attempting to help Lawrence from the beginning. The market quickly turns to selling, dropping the price of pyrite and causing Amati huge losses. He fails to fulfill his portion of his challenge to Lawrence and gives up his marriage proposal to Holo as a result. Holo and Lawrence realize what they mean to one another and the two grow closer as they decide to continue traveling together to find Yoitsu.

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13 Agosto 2009
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