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2x6 - Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Return of a Friend

Poster della serie Bakugan Battle Brawlers

When Prince Hydron is furious because of his incomplete collection, Spectra and Gus challenge Dan to a battle in an effort to catch Drago. While the Resistance plans to attack Alpha City, Mira wants to take a short detour to find her brother. It is hinted in this episode that Ace starts to like Mira, during in the arugment, he seems and sounds like that he was worried about her going somewhere that might be dangerous. In the midst of the argument, Dan sneaks away with Drago to fight Gus and manages to battle well until Spectra joins in and Dan starts to struggle in the fight. Out of nowhere, Shun comes to his rescue. Shun beats Gus and Dan beats Spectra when Drago displays a massive power surge due to Helios' taunts about Tigrerra. Seeing that huge amount of power Spectra shows hint of betrayal when he said that he won't let the magnificent Bakugan become a play thing, meaning that he won't give it to Prince Hydron if he captures it. Back at the base, Shun explains that while he was in the mountains a portal opened up right in front of him and got sucked through to New Vestroia. After he rescues Ingram from the Vestals, she remained in his debt and the two banded together to free the Bakugan. As they make their way closer to Alpha City and the dimension controller, Dan asks why Shun didn't reveal himself earlier when he rescued Marucho. Shun explains that he had something important to attend. When they approched Alpha City, Shun revealed he'd break in the city and find his Skyress.

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17 Maggio 2009
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