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2x65 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 144

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Judy finds Tracey crying in her cell and tries to comfort her. Tracey asks her to talk to Bea and explain that she was set up. She also tells Judy about the threats sent in via Kath. Lizzie and Judy plot to stop Kay taking over as top dog and decide to undermine her gambling racket. Linda tells them she's only working for Kay because she needs the money, but also partly because she's scared of her. Vera gets a threatening phone call while she is on night duty telling her to lay off Tracey. Jim gives Danny a key to get back into his flat after school. Vera tries to prove she isn't scared by the threats by continuing to persecute Tracey. Doreen throws a jealous tantrum when she overhears Judy and Lizzie expressing concern about Tracey. Vera brushes off Meg's opinion that she should tell the police about the threat, and says she suspects that Tracey's father was behind it. Doreen attacks Officer Maguire for following her around .

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2 Settembre 1980
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