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2x67 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 146

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Lizzie tells Meg she thinks Kay must be dead, and gives a very unconvincing version of her "self-defence" alibi. Meg is not convinced and tells Jim she thinks it is completely out of character for Lizzie to be violent. Lizzie explains the whole "sting" operation to Erica, and Erica suprisingly says she believes the self-defence story and confines Lizzie to her cell rather than sending her to solitary. Judy blames herself for yet another death when Linda comes to tell the women the news about Kay. Doreen thinks Linda should go to Erica and take the blame. Tracey tells Kath she's being released and is very confident in Joe, saying that he would never believe she had informed on him. The women keep quiet at first when Erica appeals for any information which could help Lizzie, but later Judy changes her mind when told that Kay actually isn't dead, only unconscious. Bob is worried that Tracey will be in grave danger on the outside, and he refuses to pay the bail to get her out.

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9 Settembre 1980
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