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2x7 - Hamtaro

Ghost Mountain!

Poster della serie Hamtaro

Laura and Kana are visiting at Mr. Yoshi's Mom's mountain home. She's been telling ghost stories and right now is telling a particularly frightening one, the unfortunate tale of Harry and Ernie. Harry and Ernie were a couple of bad kids who fought with each other over everything, even their hamsters. One day, Harry bet Ernie that he could let his hamster loose in the woods and find him again. It soon escalated into an all-out competition in which they let loose all the hamsters in the village. Harry and Ernie went into the woods to search for them, but something happened. They never returned to the village and all of the hamsters disappeared, except one. Laura, Kana and both Hamtaro and Oxnard are very frightened by the story, although they won't admit it. Just then, Mr. Yoshi arrives. He wonders what the girls are doing at his mother's and they explain that they had just helped her carry some groceries up the mountain. Mr. Yoshi's Mom says that she's repaying them for their kindness b

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16 Febbraio 2001
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