Rocky, Bullwinkle, and Capt. Peachfuzz continue there walk through the desert, until Peachfuzz comes across a railroad track. Bullwinkle insists that it's a mirage, so he stands on the tracks, while a train comes his way. The engineers see Bullwinkle and jump out of the train. Rocky flies in and stops the train, explains to the engineers, and are now on the train heading to they hope Mt. Flatten. Meanwhile, down the tracks, Boris is ready to derail the train when it arrives. While in their car, Capt. Peachfuzz says that Bullwinkle's mine is very valuable because it's chaucked full of the rare anti-gravity metal, Upsidasium. Awhile back, a grizzled old prospector found a chunck of it, and it made his mule float since the mule was carrying it in the prospector's pack. He wants to make a claim on Mt. Flatten, but is turned down because Bullwinkle's uncle Dewlap D. Moose already has a claim on it. The prospector says that Mt. Flatten is a lost mountain.
Fractured Fairy Tales: Mr. Know it