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2x7 - Digimon Fusion

The Okonomiyaki Panic! The Town Full of Pagumon

Poster della serie Digimon Fusion

Tagiru, Yū and Taiki go to an okonomiyaki store after school. But the moment the three of them open the door, they go into the world where Digimon live in DigiQuartz, and encounter a Digimon named Pagumon, who loves Okinomiyaki. Tagiru wants to hunt Pagumon. The next day, Tagiru and the others heard about whoever ate the potato chips have either disappeared or flowing in the air. Then Pagumon says "It must be Jagamon's doing!" Tagiru wants to hunt Jagamon so he goes towards the closest convenient store. He stunks looking at the boys and girls who are holding the Potato Chips and flowing in the air, Tagiru goes into DigiQuartz, and plans to hunt Jagamon. However as Tagiru reloads Gumdramon, Pagumon starts to battle themselves. Jagamon notices Pagumon, he sends Gumdramon flying and runs away. They thought that they could find Jagamon, but due to Pagumon's "bad advices", they continue to lose the hunt.

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13 Novembre 2011
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