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2x76 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 155

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Chrissie is put into street clothes for her visit to Elizabeth, and Vera tells Jim they are supposed to ignore Doreen if they see her at the hospital. Erica wants to know why Jim tried to put her off using Sarah's firm: he notices she is going through prison files and accuses her of jumping to conclusions. Doreen recognises Elizabeth, but a nurse suggests she keeps out of sight or she will give the game away. When Doreen sees Vera she pretends not to know her but advises her cattily to keep away from the children to avoid spreading germs. Vera retaliates by letting everyone know that Doreen has been in prison. Bob arrives for a visit and sees Judy comforting Tracey, but when he asks Tracey about it she is indignant that he should suspect her of having a relationship with Judy. Chrissie asks to work outside the maternity unit to keep her mind occupied, and her mention of Barnhurst reminds Erica of a woman who escaped from that prison several years ago.

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8 Ottobre 1980
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