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2x8 - The Magician


Poster della serie The Magician

A new kind of music comes to Electro City: Hardbeat. All the kids are wild about it and since DJ Mickus create this new sound, he is coming to town, everyone wants to go to this party, including Cosmo. However, Hardbeat is also blamed for more and more violent outbreaks among teenagers, who aggressively attack innocent people and destroy property after attending Hardbeat parties. Ace is worried about Cosmo and asks him to help on a levitation number instead of going out, but Cosmo says he needs to go out more since he hasn't had any fun for a week. Illegally recording live performance of Mickis at the dance club, Cosmo plays the Hardbeat on his Earman as he rollerblades home and his aggressiveness rises, letting him not only a young couple in a restaurant but also the police. Ace is called by Vega to pick him up from jail. He asks Cosmo not to go to another Hardbeat party, but Cosmo says rudely, ""The last time I checked, you still weren't my father"". Ace decides to accompany Cosmo and

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10 Ottobre 1999
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