Pagina dell'episodio'

2x8 - Magi

Days of Training

Poster della serie Magi

Forced to perform magic only with his own magoi, Aladdin is assigned to the lowest ranking class at the Magnostadt Academy, the "sixth kodor" where he is put under a heavy routine of physical training under his teacher Myers, who reveals that he and the other sixt kodor students will have another test in two months and will be expelled from the academy if they fail. He also meets his roommate Sphintus, who looks down on him at first for being assigned to a lower ranked class but eventually befriends him upon seeing his hard work. Myers' harsh training continues for one month, as more and more people drop out the academy until only Aladdin and other four students remain. Myers then reveals that the purpose of her training was to strenghten their bodies so they could increase the ammount of magoi they can harness for their magic and the results of their hard work are shown when they discover that their magical power had greatly increased. After a month of solely magic classes, the time comes for Aladdin's exam and he passes with flying colors, reassigned directly from the sixth to the first kodor, the highest ranking class in the academy. Meanwhile, Alibaba finally reaches his destination, the Reim Empire.

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24 Novembre 2013
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