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2x8 - Jimmy's Food Factory

Jimmy's Christmas Food Factory

Poster della serie Jimmy's Food Factory

It is Christmas time, but Jimmy's Food Factory never closes when it comes to revealing the secrets of supermarket food. Farmer Jimmy Doherty has set up his own food factory in a barn. Using farmyard and household junk, he is creating his own festive supermarket production line, and he has invited his family and friends round to test out his Christmas creations. Chocolate and Christmas are perfect together. And Jimmy reckons a record player and a cement mixer are essential when it comes to making chocolate Brazil nuts, but will he be able to coat the nuts as smoothly as the factory does? And you may like smoky bacon on your turkey, but how do the supermarkets smoke foods without fire? Jimmy brings his barbecue out of storage to find out. Every Christmas we eat 10 million turkeys, so Jimmy visits Britain's biggest turkey producer to find out how they get enough ready for the big day.

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20 Dicembre 2010
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