Pagina dell'episodio'

2x81 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 160

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Erica tells Jim to organise a special work programme to give the inspector less opportunity to find fault, but Vera thinks putting up a good front amounts to defrauding the Department. Lizzie and Doreen are set to work sorting out the books in the library and Lizzie finds a history of the Wentworth area, which mentions extensive wine cellars which form the prison's storm water drainage system. Meg asks Erica to be her matron of honour. A new prisoner, Anne Griffin , is brought to Wentworth charged with armed robbery after holding up a shopkeeper with a knife. She seems very distressed and says that the money the police found on her was a loan from her friend Megan. The women on the work detail clear the earth from around a concrete slab in the garden and manage to lift it. Anne tells a policewoman that her friend Megan is on holiday which is why they can't trace her. Doreen suggest Mouse is sent down the drains to investigate as she's less likely to be missed.

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28 Ottobre 1980
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