Pagina dell'episodio'

2x9 - Renegade

Wheel Man

Poster della serie Renegade

A Guy (Lance McBride) drives slowly in his car in front of a bank, counting. Then another guy (Nicky Griffin) comes out the bank with a gun and gets into the car. They drive away (fast of course) almost hitting a guy pushing trolleys, and they got away. Then we see a bunch of racing cars racing around the track. In the meantime Lance is in a bar talking (braking is more like it) about a race he was in. Then he started talking to a waitress (Cheyenne) about he needing service, they have a little chitchat and Lance asked if he can buy her a drink (he likes her attitude) she says she doesn't want a beer, but champagne instead. He gives her money ($100) for it, when she left, he 'told' his friends that she likes him. She calls Bobby and tells him that she have checked the serial number and that its def, the money that was stolen from the bank. So now they know that Lance is the get-away-driver for Nicky Griffin (he is a wanted man). Bobby tells Reno that he should replays Lance, tha

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8 Novembre 1993
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