Rocky and Bullwinkle look for Mt. Flatten, but it's nowhere to be found. It turns out that Mt. Flatten is a floating mountain. Rocky concludes it's a floating mountain because of all of the Upsidasium! There's only one problem: only Rocky can get to it because he can fly, but how will Bullwinkle, Mojave Max (Boris) and Death Valley Dotty (Natasha) get to it. Boris spots a deep dry well, so Boris changes the danger sign on it and turns it into an ""Only Up Elevator"" Rocky and Bullwinkle step in, only to find they've fallen into the dry well. But then, Boris thinks, how will they know they've found Upsidasium if Rocky and Bullwinkle aren't around, so he and Natasha send down a rescue rope for them. With that, they resume getting to Mt. Flatten, Rocky flies up and drops down a long rope for Boris, Natasha, and Bullwinkle to climb up to reach the lost mountain. With that, Rocky and Bullwinkle get out there chizzles and begin looking for some Upsidasium, meanwhile, Boris and Natasha attempt