Pagina dell'episodio'

2x9 - Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

A Couple is Better than a Single / The Byway to Oku

Poster della serie Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

When everyone's mind isn't functioning well after the New Year, Maria decides to tackle them in a manzai fashion. Nozumu Itoshiki explains that there are things other than the New Year that causes people to feel groggy such as jet lag. Ultimately, Maria decides to tackle the government of Japan arguing that Japan isn't paying enough attention on its national security matter during the peace time while the neighborhood countries are posing as threat. In the second part of the episode, Nozomu Itoshiki suddenly decides to inspect students by surprise. In order to help Nozomu to achieve his goal, Maria and Chiri starts taking photographs of vulnerable private moments of students. Nozomu's colleague, Jinroku, is the only one able to withstand the inspection 24 hours a day. Suddenly, Kafuka Fūra argues back that being a careless person can be a great appeal as it can draw sympathetic feeling from everyone. Chiri suddenly decides to take advantage of this trend by becoming a careless person on purpose, but it consequently puts many characters in grave danger.

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1 Marzo 2008
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