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2x9 - The Bachelor

The Bachelor: Aaron and Helene Tell All

Poster della serie The Bachelor

Nearly 26 million Americans watched as Aaron Buerge proposed marriage to Helene Eksterowicz last November. Now, amidst rumors of a break-up, Aaron and Helene sit down to discuss their relationship. While Aaron has chosen to publicly air his version of events, Helene elected to keep her experience private … until now. In an interview with Chris Harrison, she breaks her silence for the first time to tell the true story of a relationship built with the whole world watching. Viewers will also hear the future plans of The Bachelorette, Trista Rehn, and her chosen man, and see how dramatically life has changed in the brief time they've been a ""public"" couple. Is the Bachelorette now the fiancée? Has a date been set? Are they certain theirs is the love that will last a lifetime? The couple joins Chris Harrison for a very candid interview. This episode started with an interview of Helene alone after she had express a need to talk seperately from Aaron. She explains why, in her words, the rela

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20 Febbraio 2003
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