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2x9 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Never too Late to Celebrate:Chris L.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Chris and Michelle Lim are happy newlyweds and love telling the story of how they met and about their TINY,SIMPLE hurried wedding as Chris had gotten a great job in the US (they're both from Canada)but their families didn't want them ""living in sin"" so now they're in a itty bitty apartment over a laundromat.Oh well,Problems:Chris has mulletish thinning hair and dry skin,he has a nice body from years of swimming but doesn't show it off right,he is really frugal causing their apartment to be very bare.Anyway,the event is that the Lims want to have a belated wedding reception with all their friends and family flying in from Canada to see them for the 1st time since they moved.So Carson gets Chris a brown suit and some sportswear,Carson quickly shoves Chris out of the store off to Jai and then dashes up stairs to the women's department where Michelle is waiting where he gets her a lovely ensemble. Back at their apartment Carson is waiting with a salesman and a bodyguard who is holding diam

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27 Luglio 2004
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