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21x82 - EastEnders

May 26, 2005

Poster della serie EastEnders

Alfie chases after Billy after being caught with Little Mo. Billy goes home and grabs a rolling pin but Pat stops him from going out. She lies to Alfie about Billy's whereabouts but is unable to convince Billy to leave Alfie alone. Rosie and Keith are woken by Demi crying. She reveals that Leo should play are part in Aleesha's life. Keith goes to Leo's flat but Ray slams the door in his face. However, when he hears Ray yelling at Trisha, he bangs on the door and challenges him to a fight. Jim finds rats in the Brannings' kitchen, only to discover with Dot's help, that the rat problem in the Square originated from his own compost heap. Kat tells Mo about her boyfriend and flat before she went to prison. Mo follows her to the flat as she gathers her clothes. When Mo goes out to get some milk, Kat's old boyfriend walks in. He tries to take her money off her but Mo wrestles him off her and they flee. Kat explains to Mo that she didn't ring home because she didn't want her family to think t

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26 Maggio 2005
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