Pagina dell'episodio'

3x1 - Bugs

Blaze of Glory

Poster della serie Bugs

First of a two parter to start off Series 3. A man called Mc-hage's business is desperately trying to be sabotaged, and he calls in Ros, Ed and Beckett to investigate. It turns out that just recently, Mc-Hage's son, Christopher, committed suicide and Ed goes to see Mc-Hage's daughter, Kitty Mc-Hage, to find out more about the business. Kitty decides to blow up half of London, using a chemical weapon that is under the ‘family' business. Beckett goes to The Bureau of Weapons Technology (the place where Roland used to work), where he meets Jan and Alex. Jan manages to con him into working at the Bureau, because of his financial problems and the fact that she catches him and Alex looking at Code: Red files. The team manage to stop the chemical weapon going off, just in time, but Ed realises that there is another bomb in the ‘Battle wagon' (an invention of Kitty's). Ed ends up getting blown up with the ‘wagon'

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19 Luglio 1997
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