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3x10 - Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

What Is Your Real Dream?

Poster della serie Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

Following a hint Raetsel left them, Kaito, Nonoha and Gammon travel to Texas, where they meet a girl named Nono and her brother, Joe, who is a skilled basketball player. Nono explains that Joe was scouted for a pro team, but when their parents died, he quit basketball to take over his father's job, which is revealed to be as a Master Brain. Joe challenges Gammon to a Fool's Puzzle, in which they must race against each other through a maze left behind by his father, using bikes that have had their brakes cut. Despite being cut off from the latter half of the maze, Gammon manages to use the maze's walls to get ahead of Joe and win the race. Afterwards, Gammon reminds Joe to follow his true dream and take up basketball again, whilst Kaito finds a clue in the maze's center directing them to their next location.

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8 Dicembre 2013
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