Pagina dell'episodio'

3x10 - ThunderCats

Exile Isle

Poster della serie ThunderCats

The Thundercats capture the Lunataks and, tired of dealing with their evil ways, decide to exile the Lunataks to Exile Isle, an island in space far away from Third Earth. When the Lunataks arrive, they meet up with Captain Cracker, a pirate who the Thundercats also exiled. Together, the Lunataks and Capt. Cracker send out a distress signal to a passing ship. When the ship comes near the island, the Lunataks send up a cloud of fog, which makes the ship crash. They use the engines of the ship to push the planet out of orbit and towards Third Earth. Snarfer, on his way home from Thundera, crashes on the island when it runs into him. Lion-O goes to rescue Snarfer and stop the island, because it has a deadly gas that will blow up if it enters Third Earth's atmosphere. He goes without the Sword of Omens. He gets cornered by Capt. Cracker, but the Sword awakens and flies to Lion-O, without him even calling it. He then uses dirt to stop the engines, and the planet/island eventually returns to

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16 Settembre 1988
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