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3x132 - The Damage Report with John Iadarola

July 8, 2020

Poster della serie The Damage Report with John Iadarola

A new academic model predicts that if we keep to our current path, the U.S. will experience more than 208k Covid-19 deaths by November 2020. Brian Kilmeade actually pushed back when WH spokesperson Hogan Gidley claimed life is “undoubtedly” better now than it was in 2016. The Trump Admin formally signals the US withdrawal from WHO. Trump wants schools reopened and is threatening to cut funding if he doesn’t get his way. Tucker Carlson not only wants schools to reopen in the fall, he also doesn’t want ANY pandemic-prevention measures to be implemented. SCOTUS upholds the Trump Admin’s decision to allow employers to decide whether or not their employees are given access to birth control coverage. WH Trade Advisor Peter Navarro claims that he simply does not “see race.” Judith Matloff LIVE on her new book, How to Drag a Body and Other Safety Tips You Hope to Never Need, and how being well-prepared can help you manage all of life’s crises, from natural disasters to personal loss and grief.

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8 Luglio 2020
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