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3x139 - The Damage Report with John Iadarola

July 17, 2020

Poster della serie The Damage Report with John Iadarola

Trump has deployed federal officers to Portland to crack down on BLM protesters & videos depicting the violence show a terrifying abuse of executive power. SCOTUS rules in favor of disenfranchising felons as the general election approaches. RBG announces a recurrence of cancer but says she is undergoing treatment & will remain on the Court. Kayleigh McEnany’s WH briefing folder is exposed and… it’s even more ridiculous than you think. The “debate” over reopening schools in the fall is still in full swing, despite polling indicating that a substantial majority of Americans don’t support the effort. Trump’s approval rating drops as Covid-19 continues to ravage the nation. It’s time to take out the trash! Find out who John, Brett & you (yes, you!) picked as the Garbage People of the Week. David Dayen on his new book, Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power, in which he examines the pivotal effect of corporate monopolies & offers ideas on how we can fight back against them.

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17 Luglio 2020
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