Pagina dell'episodio'

3x14 - Riptide

Smiles We Left Behind (1)

Poster della serie Riptide

When only Danny Lee's luggage shows up for his cousin Lucy's wedding, Lucy turns to her friends at the Riptide Detective Agency to find out what happened. The guys accept the case and are soon on the Mimi heading for San Francisco, the last connection on Danny Lee's flight from China. Once in San Francisco, the guys meet up with Jerome Sedgewick, a wealthy friend of Murray's. Sedgewick then provides the guys with a base of operations on his yacht. Sedgewick also invites the guys to a party where Cody is reunited with Janet Ingram, his college girlfriend. Later, after Cody briefly catches up with Janet and learns that she is working as a government liaison, the guys distribute posters of Danny Lee and head to the site of a meeting that was marked on a map in Danny Lee's luggage. After someone tries to unsuccessfully kill the guys by shooting at them, the detectives stumble over a dead body. Unfortunately, as a result, the guys are temporarily detained and interrogated by government agen

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25 Febbraio 1986
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