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3x15 - The Damage Report with John Iadarola

January 23, 2020

Poster della serie The Damage Report with John Iadarola

Democratic primary update as new polling shows Bernie leading among non-white voters, independents and one-on-one against Trump. Zeke Stokes on the Kentucky Christian school that expelled one of their students for posting a picture with a rainbow sweater and cake. A new State Dpt rule means CBP officers are going to eyeball whether someone is pregnant and deny them a visa on that very basis. Detained children in a Virginia migrant facility are being restrained to chair with bags over their heads as punishment by staff. Mara Hvistendahl on the specifics of the US-China trade deal. China, the Wuhan coronavirus is spreading quickly and a vaccine might still be months away from being discovered. The oceans, seas reach the highest temperatures ever recorded and dead whales & dolphines filled with plastic keep washing ashore. Meanwhile around...the world, half a billion of the world population is mired in inequality, with billionaires now owning more wealth than 60% of the planet.

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23 Gennaio 2020
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