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3x16 - Shugo Chara!

Go, Rikka! Follow the Way of the Guardians

Poster della serie Shugo Chara!

Rikka is excited to have her Guardian egg, and she tries to get it to hatch. However, it does not. She goes to school and tells Yaya, Amu and then Nagihiko, which immediately ends when people realize Nagihiko and Amu together. Later, the Hikaru and the girls are picking up trash. Suddenly, two boys start talking about how the Guardians are there only to pick up trash. Rikka gets upset and ask Amu and Yaya what the use of the Guardians was. She doesn't understand and runs off, only to find an X Egg. Amu purifies it with the help of Miki and Dear Baby. The next morning, Amu and Yaya find Rikka picking up more trash. The same two boys are making fun of the Guardians again, and Amu, Yaya, and Rikka defend the group. Rikka gets the wrong impression from the conversation she had with the other girls the day before, and Yaya has a good feeling that Rikka's egg won't hatch any time soon.

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23 Gennaio 2010
Questo sito non serve a guardare Serie TV, ma solo a segnarle come "viste" per tenerne traccia!
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