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3x17 - Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

Become a Phi Brain

Poster della serie Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

After Kaito, along with Raetsel, Rook, and Freecell, once again sees the vision of a ruined future, Orpheus demonstrates some of his power on Kaito, temporarily showing him an illusion where he failed to rescue Raetsel from the puzzle. Tempting him with the possibility of bringing Lovushka back to life, Orpheus gets Enigma to join his side and the two escape. The next day, Rook and Freecell explain their findings, explaining Orpheus transferred his mind into Jin's body during his battle with Pythagoras, and the scriptures were just a lure to bring people to the Puzzle of God. It is then revealed that Jin himself locked away his own memories in order to suppress Orpheus, and the power Orpheus used on Kaito was an incomplete ability to alter time. Just then, they receive a call from Raetsel, who had decided to join Orpheus as well, saying the only way to save Jin's mind is if either she, Kaito, Gammon, Rook, or Freecell awaken as a Phi Brain and offer their mind to him. As Kaito becomes angered by Rook's suggestion to either find an alternative way of saving Jin, or else kill him to protect the world, Freecell suggests to Kaito that if he can become a Phi Brain before Orpheus, he may able to save the future. Accepting this channel, Kaito heads off with Freecell and Nonoha to Amigne, where Orpheus awaits. Upon arriving, they are shown a vision of Kaito and Nonoha's childhood.

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26 Gennaio 2014
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