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3x22 - Riptide


Poster della serie Riptide

The guys are hired by a man named Warwick to find his son Nathan. Unfortunately, their client is actually Judd Thompson, the father of a girl that Nathan Warwick has been accused of raping and murdering. A gunfight ensues when Thompson sees Warwick. As a result, Cody is shot and Murray is forced to shoot Warwick. Regrettably, Murray kills Warwick in the process. After Cody is taken to a hospital to recover, Nick and Murray are shocked when Elaine Warwick, Nathan's sister, hires them to prove that her brother never raped Thompson's daughter. Feeling guilty over leading Thompson to Nathan, Nick accepts the case and he and Murray are soon heading to Cyprus Bay, the Warwick's hometown. Pretending to be writing a book about the Warwick-Thompson shooting, Nick and Murray begin to investigate Nathan's past. They therefore are left alone in the sheriff's office where they find a list of the townspeople with codes next to the names. Nick and Murray soon uncover the fact that the sheriff and his

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22 Aprile 1986
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