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3x3 - 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd

Slap Shot

Poster della serie 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd

Justin is trying out for the hockey team, but it seems skills and fair play aren't enough for this team. Eddie shows Justin some foal play, and using it, he makes the team. His new friends don't turn out to be all they are cracked up to be, particularly the team captian Charlie. The group starts causing mis-jif around town and Justin ends up in trouble with the law, and grounded. Meanwhile Tori wins two concert tickets and both Doug and Lisa want to take her....now who to choose? Both try impressing her with her favorite meals, music and ""hip"" clothes. Tori realises that the band wasn't all that good so she gives them the tickets and lets Doug and Lisa go together. Justin also has a choice to make now. Charlie wants him to ""take the other teams captain""(slashing his knee untill it snaps like a twig)"" in the next game. Eddie interrupts the game before Justin gets the chance to hurt the guy and the team decides to drop Charlie. Justin is now playing for an honest team, Doug and Lisa get

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17 Marzo 2002
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