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3x3 - Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO

Odessa, Iron Storm!

Poster della serie Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO

(U.C. 0079.11.08 - 0079.11.09) Though Operation Odessa is proceeding, the 44th Hybrid Brigade suffers setback after its advance is bombarded by artillery from Zeon's Dobday-class land battleships. They are reinforced by three Guntanks piloted by a trio of convicts led by Lt. Arleen Nazon, a technical officer blamed and condemned to rot in jail after her lover defected to Zeon with information of the RTX-440 project. Bearing deep hatred to the man who betrayed her, Clyde Bettany, Arleen vows revenge for destroying her future. The offensive resumes on the second day and the Federation forces again suffering casualty from the well dug Zeon defence. Arleen's team penetrates enemy lines to provide artillery reconnaissance, before storming and breaking into the Zeon forward base. In the mist of battle, Arleen's two teammates self-detonate their Guntanks, taking out one Dobday.

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24 Aprile 2009
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