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3x4 - Garo: The Animation


Poster della serie Garo: The Animation

Sophie's roommate tells her that Father Ripley went missing and Sophie goes to find out more about his disappearance. He apparently lived with his sister Marie in a renovated church. At the residence she finds Marie living alone, looking frail and sickly. Suddenly Sword arrives and presents Marie with a bunch of flowers for the loss of her brother. Sophie and Marie share their stories, and become friendly, but that evening, when the talk turns to her brother Father Ripley, Marie has a flashback to when her brother treated her badly and imprisoned her in the basement. Marie suddenly changes and becomes violent and, fearing for her life, Sophie tries to escape. She finds herself locked in the basement which is filled with instruments of torture. Marie bursts into the basement and transforms into a Horror, but Sword arrives and a battle ensues. Although Sophie tries to help and is almost killed, but is saved by Sword's motorcycle. She again pleads with Sword to help her find her brother.

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27 Ottobre 2017
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