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3x4 - Shugo Chara!

Hikaru vs the Rabbit? The Very First Job!

Poster della serie Shugo Chara!

Amu and Tadase arrange for Hikaru to take care of a rabbit. When he tries to feed it, he gets bitten and calls Amu a liar because she said it was tame. Ran, Miki, Su, and Diamond explain to Hikaru that the rabbit is timid and that he needs to gain its trust. He takes the rabbit out for a walk later on, but it runs off and into a patch of flowers; Rikka tries to stop it and nearly falls on them, but Hikaru manages to stop her. The two talk and the rabbit had eaten some flowers that make it ill. Amu's guardians characters suggest some ways to cure the illness, but Rikka yells at them for thinking of ways that can't help it. She lies down and strokes its back, and tells the story of if she was sick, her mom would do the same. The four guardian characters feel bad for Hikaru because his parents had died when he was little.

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24 Ottobre 2009
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