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3x4 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

An American Straight Guy in London: Darin D

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Darin is about to get his PhD (yeah!)and it involves spending a year or 2 in London (yeah!),he has a lovely wife named Julie (yeah!)and they made some friends (yeah!).However,there are some troubles(oh):Darin has been dressing way too repetitively,he only cooks things involving chicken,cheese and mushrooms,and as there is only 1 income(Julie's) the couple hasn't been able to enjoy London's awesome culture and the apartment is covered in fourth of July stuff and its rather untidy.Carson shows Darin how dress neater,to look more professional and his shirts are all things that move as Darin is prone to backne(more in a bit).Jai takes Darin the Fab 5's hotel room for a lesson in housekeeping.Jai has arranged for the couple to enjoy tea at fancy hotel,a boat ride on the Thames river,and then a ride on the London Eye where some of their family members will be waiting!however,it's all been arranged as a scavenger hunt and its Darin's job to make up the clues...Kyan gets Darin a backne facial,

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1 Febbraio 2005
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