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3x42 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 207

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Jim runs for help. Margo comes to in the infirmary, but has no idea who hit her. Bob tells Meg that he has no interest in Arna and invites Meg to have lunch with them that afternoon before he takes Arna to the airport. Vera questions Margo about the attack. Margo decides it was Terry who did it and tells Vera about the tape and the scotch. Margo repeats the story to Erica, but Vera returns from a cell search claiming to have found nothing. Margo is not very surprised at this. Bea is off the hook, as she was in the rec room the entire time, but both Terry and Doreen walk in afterwards. Bea is pretty sure Terry is the basher. Jim comes right out and asks Terry. Terry is shocked that Jim would even ask. Meg has lunch with Bob and Arna. When Arna finds out that Meg is a parole officer she is very interested as many of her family are involved in Swedish prison reform. She asks to see Wentworth. Bob says it will be no problem.

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30 Giugno 1981
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