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3x51 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 216

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Doreen leads the verbal attack on Alison until Judy intervenes allowing Alison to run out of the rec room, bumping into Bea on her way out and somehow managing to scratch Bea's face. Doreen is amazed when Bea tells her they ought to just forget the whole thing. Jim warns Terry against putting too much trust in Inspector Grace. Sid arrives to visit Sid and Vera is just about to send him away when Meg tells her about the engagement and she instantly melts and offers her congratulations. Sid and Lizzie discuss their wedding plans: Captain Barton has agreed to marry them and Lizzie suggests the ceremony should take place in the garden. Erica is taken aback when Lizzie asks her if she will give her away at her wedding, but she agrees when Lizzie explains that this will mean she won't come back. Meg visits Alison Page's husband Don: he is worried that the children will suffer after an article in the paper about Alison.

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5 Agosto 1981
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