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3x6 - Ancient Mysteries

Quest for the Fountain of Youth

Poster della serie Ancient Mysteries

It is one of the most puzzling tales to come out of the European Age of Discovery. And yet, the alleged search for the Fountain of Youth by Spanish explorer Ponce de León was almost certainly influenced by folklore from many centuries before. In this tale of a quest for immortality, explore the origins of the powerful belief in water mythology - said to be traced back at least as far as the third century. Listen to leading historians propose that despite the account of León's venerable pursuit, he was actually driven by dreams of gold and riches, not the fabled fountain. Or is it possible that when the famed explorer alighted on Florida's shores, he wasn't looking for the fountain at all? The Quest for the Fountain of Youth is the ultimate examination o this much-debated, timeless legend.

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13 Ottobre 1995
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