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3x6 - The Amanda Show

Episode 36

Poster della serie The Amanda Show

Penelope makes this instant message machine for a chance to meet Amanda. Amanda's opening turns into a game show because two blokes think the show is a game show. We stop at a commercial for Super Red Hots, a fun candy. There's time for another edition of The Dare Show. Someone from Boston, Illinois wants Sharon to eat some of Toby's hair. Someone from San Francisco, Tennesee played by Josh wants Toby to wear a bra and stuff it with macaroni and cheese. Someone from Nashville, Ireland wants Sharon to slack peanut butter and marshmallows all over her hair. And finally, someone from Minneapolis, Massachusetts wants Sharon and Toby's mom to lick the camera lenses. There's a Hillbilly Moment featuring a cement block. The Queen of England gets interviewed at Amanda's Jacuzzi and Kyle talks about getting gum on his shoe. The show ends with the cast members crowding around the camera trying to get a speck off the lenses.

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25 Maggio 2002
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