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3x7 - Dragon Ball Z Kai

Undetectable Monsters! The Androids Appear!

Poster della serie Dragon Ball Z Kai

The Z Fighters gather at the island in anticipation of the androids' attack. However, as the time approaches, the androids are nowhere to be seen. Yajirobe arrives to deliver Korin's new batch of Senzu beans to the others, but as soon as he departs, the androids shoot down his ship and immediately descend into the nearby city before the Z Fighters can get a glimpse of them. Gohan goes to rescue Yajirobe, while the rest of the Z Fighters fly down to the city as well to search out their enemies. After a period of searching, Yamcha becomes the first victim of the androids, after having his energy absorbed by Android #20, and then being impaled. The others arrive just in time to save him, and Goku eventually persuades the androids to move to a new location to fight after a large portion of the city is destroyed.

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30 Maggio 2010
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