Pagina dell'episodio'

3x7 - ThunderCats

The Chain of Loyalty

Poster della serie ThunderCats

After looking at the Book of Omens, and seeing a picture of a necklace, Lion-O discovers that there are pictures of the Thundercats on the necklace. Jaga appears to Lion-O and tells him that he is looking at a picture of the Chain of Loyalty. Jaga tells Lion-O that if the chain gets broken, it would cause the Thundercats to turn against each other. In hearing this, Lion-O and the Thundercats (Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, and the Thunderkittens) set off to Thundera to find the chain. Mumm-ra, eavesdropping on Lion-O through his pool at the pyramid, goes to Thundera, kidnaps and disguises himself as Snarf. When the Thundercats arrive, they split up into groups to find the chain, and Mumm-Ra goes with Lion-O and the Thunderkittens. Lion-O's group finds the chain and Mumm-Ra gets it, breaks it, and returns to his true form. For a while, the Thundercats, except Lion-O, fight against each other until Lion-O uses the sword of Omens, which magically puts the necklace back together. Mumm-ra is def

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13 Settembre 1988
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