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3x71 - Big Brother

LIVE Finale (Part 1)

Poster della serie Big Brother

After nine weeks of back-stabbing, bitching, flirting, oral sex (possibly), tears, arguments and nudity, London girl Jade Goody is finally evicted from the Big Brother house. After surviving eviction twice, the final public vote couldn't save her, and Jade came fourth. On her exit, Jade was welcomed by a huge group of fans and the press. Jade would turn from a disliked Big Brother housemate to a much loved and respected celebrity. But for Alex, the Big Brother ride was finally over. After surviving the eviction vote on numerous occasions, his game was finally up. In third place, the original favourite to win, did well to surpass arguments, scandals, rumours and bitching to last the full 64 days. A hyped up audience and press awaited him too. And so it begins, the final-final-FINAL countdown. Just two contestants remain. Kate and Johnny! For one, the crown of Big Brother, and for the other the bittersweet title as 'runner up'. Who Wins - The Public Decides.

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26 Luglio 2002
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