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3x71 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 236

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Sandy tells Judy she thinks the importance they all give to the press is childish, and holds Judy's arm in it until she gives in. Jim offers to let Bea work on the Braille machine unsupervised. Judy comes to ask Bea's advice about the press, but Bea refuses to get involved. Meg asks Kate to be careful about mentioning why she's inside. Meg also speaks to Sandy, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but Sandy doesn't believe that Meg can help her. Kate is worried about Linda, thinking that she's heading for a breakdown She tries to get Meg and Jim to help her, advising Jim that Linda needs psychiatric help. Jim promises to look further into the matter. Meg tells Jim that Linda is behaving strangely, but adds that she thinks Linda will settle in eventually. Doreen and Judy believe that Kate has lagged, but when Doreen starts to threaten Kate, Sandy grabs her and pushes her face first into a wall, giving her a nosebleed. Linda's father comes to visit her.

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14 Ottobre 1981
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